Posts Tagged ‘rant’

Two minutes into most team meetings at the office, you get to know what is going to happen in the next fifty-eight minutes and so tend to lose interest in the proceedings. So what do you do? Unless you are the mobile-fiddling type, you really have no choice but to gaze on at your fellow-attendees. […]

I sat tense and silent as the man I was facing started writing on a piece of paper. I knew he, in a sense, was defining my future, atleast the next few days. I had known him for almost all of my life. He wouldn’t do this to me. But then, knowing him, he probably […]

There’s this 3-minute journey in the office van between the campus gate and our office building that we all get to do daily. Twice. To many, it’s just something that’s there to lead them on to the next stage – signing in & beginning their workday in the mornings or hopping onto their next mode […]

…when at an office meeting, you know the answer to the question that’s asked, yet pause dramatically for a moment and in that fleeting instant, someone else comes up with the answer. …when at the theatre, you buy first-class tickets and are given seats that’re just after where the second-class rows end. You could’ve sat […]

3) People who abruptly halt in the middle of the road in front of temples or other places of worship. Worse, you are expected to understand that as the cause is a noble one, one of a higher spiritual order, unremarkably quotidian affairs like a traffic snarl ought not to be considered. After all, what’s […]